天祥公司成立于1992年,主营汽车配件、汽车附件及相关的电子产品,通过十年的努力,天祥公司已经发展成为一个工贸一体的集团公司,在中国大陆有多个地区有分支机构。我们的产品在很多地区和地区**,TX**享有很高的声誉,基于较好的品质、较好的价格、较好的服务理念,天祥公司将与新老朋友一同取得更好的进步。 Tianxiang industry co. be set up in 1992, she is special in the auto parts and accessories, electric appliances, as well as other hardware of ten year’s endeavor, Tianxiang co. has several branch in many main city in mainland, she has developed a integrated company which combine manufacture and trade. Our products sell well in many countries and districts, and the TX brand has obtained a good reputation. Based on the best quality, the best price and the best service, Tianxiang co. will make a great progress wit..